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The medication management cycle: balancing safety and effectiveness

The medication management cycle : balancing safety and effectiveness The life cycle of a medicine, from its design to its marketing, including its manufacturing and distribution, is a complex and rigorously regulated process. Each step of this journey is essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments administered to patients. The different phases of the medication management cycle The medication management cycle can be divided into several key phases: Research and development This phase begins with the identification of a new molecule or a new active substance, followed...

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The challenges of access to medicines in developing countries

The challenges of access to medicines in developing countries Access to medicines is a major global public health issue. If developed countries benefit from a generally efficient health system and an abundant supply of medicines, the situation is very different in developing countries. They face numerous challenges that limit their populations' access to essential medicines. The main obstacles to access to medicines in developing countries Several factors are at the root of the difficulties that populations in developing countries encounter in accessing essential medicines. ...

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The impact of the digitalization of health on the pharmaceutical supply chain

The impact of the digitalization of health on the pharmaceutical supply chain Digitalization has affected many sectors and the health sector has not been one exception. At the heart of this change, the pharmaceutical supply chain has undergone profound changes, thus impacting several aspects in a positive way. Better traceability, a guarantee of safety One ​​of the impacts of digitalization on the supply chain has been significant improvement in the traceability of medicines. Thanks to technology, it is now possible to follow a drug from its production to its administration to...

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AKH Consulting brings a strong sense of leadership and strategy acquired in high-level positions in the public sector and the pharmaceutical industry

AKH Consulting Services

  • Assistance to National Central Medical Stores
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • HR support and Training


  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Capacity Building
  • Digital Inventory Systems
  • Quality Management Systems
  • Etc.


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